Forgot to mention that I'm using emacs xgtags.el for displaying. This
does not affect the creation of the tag/symbol files, but wanted to
mention it none-the-less.


        From: Oviedo Javier-PKJ843 
        Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:28 PM
        To: ''
        Subject: Tags versus Symbols
        Hello all.
        Just discovered GLOBAL today and like it very much...however
there is one issue that will be the deciding factor on whether I can use
it or not. Hopefully I can...
        I am seeing structure elements not being defined as tags and
instead as symbols. Let's take the following example structure below:
        typedef struct {
            VpDevCtxType *pDevCtx;       /* Pointer to device Context */
            uint8 channelId;             /* Channel identity */
            VpLineCtxType *pLineCtx;     /* Pointer to Line Context */
            VpTermType termType;         /* Termination Type */
            VpLineIdType lineId;         /* Application system wide line
identifier */
        } VpLineInfoType;
        From a source file, foo.c, running 'xgtags-find-tag' on
VpLineInfoType takes me to this structure. So far so good. When I run
'xgtags-find-tag' on one of the elements of this structure, pDevCtx for
example, the tag is not found. Using CTAGS, I can jump to this tag
without issue.
        I tried running 'xgtags-find-symbol' but that seems to give me
ALL references to the symbol pDevCtx. This is very unmanageable as I
want to simply get a concise list of definitions, not references. Why do
these structure elements appear in the SYM file instead of TAGS. Is
there some configuration parameter I'm missing?
        Is there anyway I can remedy this situation? I like the
reference capabilities of GLOBAL but need to have tag handling like
ctags, ectags, etags, etc.
        Please help...
        Thanks in advance.

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