> I have searched everywhere for information about how big problems the
> glpsol tool version 4.8 can manage. I found that version 4.3 could
> manage 100.000 constraints and 1000 variables. I don't think this is
> true for version 4.8. In an university project I developed an problem
> with 1680 variables, and it could be solved within reasonable time.
> Where can I find any information about this topic? Any help is
> appreciated.

Just yesterday I received a report from Energy Research Institute
(Russian Academy of Sciences). They use Glpk to model and forecast
the development of electroenergetics in Russia and report that they
successfully solved several LP models with about 250,000 variables
and 100,000 constraints, and plan to use Glpk for larger LP models
with about 400,000 variables and 150,000 constraints. (They don't
use MathProg; all data are provided in MPS format.)

Andrew Makhorin

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