> I have a set like in the picture
>   http://www.nabble.com/user-images/2538.jpg 
>  and I want to consider it in the constraint as 
> http://www.nabble.com/user-images/2540.jpg  
> For this I have written as 
> s.t. cons_N2 {j in M}: sum {k in K, i in N: (j,p) in J [i,k]} x [i,j,p] <=
> 1;
> and in some other forms however I got dimensional error messages. Am I
> defining it wrong or sth else? 
> Can anyone help me?
> Or how can I define a set like those in the pictures.

Literally, as it is written in your textbook:

s.t. foo{i in N, k in K}: sum{(j, rho) in J[i,k]} x[i,j,rho] <= 1;

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