> I've found that GLPK is unable to read some .mps files that can be
> read by
> other software. see
> http://www.sce.carleton.ca/faculty/chinneck/MPSreader/MPSobject.html
> I've attached 2 of these files since they seem to cause different
> errors
> when GLPK reads them.
> The error for 22433.mps looks like this:
> lpx_read_mps: reading problem data from `g:\PhdIdeas\mps\22433.mps'...
> lpx_read_mps: problem name not specified
> g:\PhdIdeas\mps\22433.mps:204: row ZOBJ not found
> The error for newdano.mps looks like this:
> lpx_read_mps: reading problem data from
> `g:\PhdIdeas\mps\newdano.mps'...
> lpx_read_mps: problem from_lp_
> g:\PhdIdeas\mps\newdano.mps:581: missing coefficient value in field 4
> What can I do to fix this problem?

Use lpx_read_freemps (which reads mps files in free mps format) rather
than lpx_read_mps. There are some violations of the standard (fixed) mps
format in your mps files, so lpx_read_mps cannot read them.

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