
I have been working with GLPK for 2 or 3 months, and I´d really like to
congratulate all the people that contribute to the development of this
In fact, I am working with Java, and most of the time under Linux. But I
need to have my code run under Windows as well. As I am not sure there is a
GLPK for Java under Linux delivered with the Gnu release, I use a Java
interface found on the following website: http://bjoern.dapnet.de/glpk/
As this Java interface was written for a version of GLPK rather old (4.8), I
had to modify it for my own purposes and re-compile both the .jar and the
.so, but it was ok on Linux. For the time being, however, I didn´t manage to
compile the .dll on Windows yet (I don´t have enough knowledge in compiling
shared libraries).
I then saw that there is a glpk_4_38_java library available (
http://winglpk.sourceforge.net/), I tried it on Windows and it seems to work
fine. But there is a problem of organization in my code, as I use a
different Java interface when running on Linux and when running on Windows.
So finally, my question on this subject is: is there a Java interface
equivalent as the one found at http://winglpk.sourceforge.net/, but for
Linux? In other words, has the glpk_4_38_java.dll also been compiled under
Linux as a .so?
The question could be also: has the Java interface found at
http://bjoern.dapnet.de/glpk/ been updated by someone for the latest
versions of GLPK?

I have another question about my algorithm. I am using a Branch&Price
scheme. When I add variables, I want to use the basis of the previous run as
the first basis of the current run (I don´t want to solve the model from
scratch each time!) When I delete columns however, it may occur that one of
them was in the basis, that consequently is not valid any more.
Is there a simple way for me to use the same basis in the next run in case
it was not modified, and update this basis in the case it has lost at least
one variable? (I used the warm_up function and I was looking at its return
code, but this function seems to be deprecated on the newest versions.)

If you want more information,  feel free to ask!

Sylvain Fournier

> Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 16:32:01 +0300
> From: Andrew Makhorin <m...@gnu.org>
> Subject: [Help-glpk] glpk 4.38 release information
> To: help-glpk@gnu.org
> Message-ID: <1566961953.20090502163...@gnu.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hash: SHA1
> GLPK 4.38 -- Release Information
> ********************************
> Release date: May 02, 2009
> GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) is intended for solving large-scale
> linear programming (LP), mixed integer linear programming (MIP), and
> other related problems. It is a set of routines written in ANSI C and
> organized as a callable library.
> In this release:
>        API routines glp_read_mps and glp_write_mps were improved.
>        Some improvements were made in the dual simplex routines.
>        Two external software modules AMD and COLAMD were included in
>        the distribution (for more details please see src/amd/README
>        and src/colamd/README). Now they are used in the interior-point
>        solver to reorder the matrix prior to Cholesky factorization.
>        API routine glp_ipt_status may return two new statuses due to
>        changes in the routine glp_interior. For details please see the
>        reference manual included in the distribution.
>        A minor bug was fixed in the graph/network routines. Thanks to
>        Nelson H. F. Beebe <be...@math.utah.edu> for bug report.
> See GLPK web page at <http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/glpk.html>.
> GLPK distribution can be ftp'ed from <ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glpk/> or
> from some mirror ftp sites; see <http://www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html>.
> MD5 check-sum is the following:
> 83d4b345800b3f30e4ef570216f94fbe *glpk-4.38.tar.gz
> GLPK is also available as a Debian GNU/Linux package. See its web page
> at <http://packages.debian.org/etch/glpk>.
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32)
> iD8DBQFJ/Er50XvyMFmB6BgRAvGeAJ9eufhSp7uDEpD/4uo9sRaOaopoRACffwqt
> 6j/ivvCPcPz6kRmN1Dpz+Js=
> =foOY
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