Other constraints might be obtained from formulas for
minimizing the difference between a product of variables
and a linear combination of same.

min PROD x[j] - SUM c[k]*x[k]
    j in 1..n   k in 1..n

set the derivative with respect to x[L] to 0:

       PROD x[j] - c[L] = 0    for L in 1..n
    j in 1..n - {L}

       PROD x[j]     =  c[L]    for L in 1..n
    j in 1..n - {L}

multiplying n equations:

      PROD x[j]**(n-1)  = PROD c[j]
      j in 1..n           j in 1..n

      PROD x[j]   = PROD c[j]**(1/(n-1)
      j in 1..n     k in 1..n


      x[L] = c[L]**-1 * PROD c[j]**(1/(n-1))
                        j in 1..n

Note that I have assumed c> 0 and x> 0 .

Michael   henne...@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu
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