Hello Chris,

Thank you very much for your concern.

I tried the --nopresol --nointopt options following your suggestion,
but I got the following error message (I attach the log file):

localiz0.sol:8: error: wrong solution designator; 'bas' expected
Unable to read initial basis

Best regards,

On 7 April 2018 at 10:12, Chris Matrakidis <cmatr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Alejandro,
>> Anyway, I can't get glpsol to use the feasible solutition fed with
>> --ini.
> I think you need to disable the presolver with options --nopresol --nointopt
> to use a given solution. The presolver generates a new problem, for which
> the given solution is no longer valid.
> Best Regards,
> Chris Matrakidis
GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.65
Parameter(s) specified in the command line:
 -m localiz1.mod -d localiz.dat -o localiz1.out -y localiz1.dsp -w localiz1.sol
 --log localiz1.log --ini localiz0.sol --nopresol --nointopt --tmlim 5400
Reading model section from localiz1.mod...
199 lines were read
Reading data section from localiz.dat...
180 lines were read
Generating costoInstTot...
Generating Def_y_p1...
Generating Def_y_p2...
Generating Dem...
Generating Cap...
Generating BalFluj...
Generating PriProx...
Generating SecProx...
Model has been successfully generated
 A: min|aij| =  1.000e+00  max|aij| =  3.000e+04  ratio =  3.000e+04
GM: min|aij| =  8.766e-01  max|aij| =  1.141e+00  ratio =  1.301e+00
EQ: min|aij| =  7.800e-01  max|aij| =  1.000e+00  ratio =  1.282e+00
Reading basic solution from 'localiz0.sol'...
localiz0.sol:8: error: wrong solution designator; 'bas' expected
Unable to read initial basis
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