I've been going down one rabbit hole and into another.  One comment I
saw on the web stated outright that flex (flex.sourceforge.com) was
simply couldn't be compiled with "-Wall".  I've come up with a possible
solution with flex by invoking a couple of options:

%option never-interactive
%option noinput

The first one seems reasonable, but I'm not sure about the second.  It
does clear the compiler errors and allows us to continue on. That simply
uncovered a number of bugs with getdate.y.  After wrestling with that
for a while, I opted to try out gnulib's getdate implementation. It
allowed me to get a little further, and BOOM, regexp.c blew up
fantastically.  Well, there is a regexp module in gnulib as well...

But it's way to late tonight to go down that route.


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