hello list,

i installed a fresh gentoo system.

i used vanilla-sources kernel and grub 2.02

i used a own partition for boot and for /root, both lying on a raid10 with

All partitions use XFS Filesystem.

The machine starts normally and the grub menu is showing up.

After 5 second boot starts and hangs with message:

error: unknown file system

error: try to load the kernel first.

(looks for me grub cant mount boot & root)

i did in the grub config =

GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="lvm xfs mdraid09 mdraid1x diskfilter part_gpt

(dunno, if i need all. but some sounded so.)

Also generatimg a initramfs with genkernel =

genkernel --install --mdadm --mdadm-config=/etc/mdadm.conf --busybox
--compress-initrd --compress-initramfs-type=gzip initramfs

did not helped me.

i set boot config like this =


menuentry "gentoo linux 5.4.1 Super Horn Kernel" {

set root=(hd0,2)

linux /bzImage-5.4.1 root=/dev/md1 net.ifnames=0 mitigations=off

initrd /initramfs-genkernel-x86_64-5.4.1_horn-5.4.1


but i get the above error.

so my question is, how do i get it work?

whats wromg in my setup?

Debian installer with doing raid 10 boots well from all partitions metadata

How do the do the magic?

If more info needed, tell me please.


kind regard


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