Le 10/01/2020 à 22:16, Nathan Stratton Treadway a écrit :

(Chris), since you are running Xbuntu, I think you can replace those
grub-install and update-grub steps with "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc", to
allow Ubuntu's package-install script to both install the grub
bootloader and to update the grub.cfg file (while also making sure the
package is configured to update the correct drive when the grub package
is upgraded in the future).

This is a GRUB list, so I'd rather suggest generic GRUB commands instead of distro-specific commands. But you are right about the last point regarding the package configuration update.

This should install grub on the MBR in such a way that it will
auto-detect the (new) /boot filesystem by UUID

Unfortunately, no. I observed that when GRUB's boot and core images are installed on the same drive as the /boot partition, then the core image embeds the /boot partition number, not the UUID. Only grub.cfg uses UUIDs. So beware when doing anything which could renumber partitions.

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