Hi everybody,
  I am trying to find a simple example of how to use GSL
to perform multiple linear regression. I have searched using
Google but couldn't find anything useful.

  My question is: does someone have an example or could someone
give me some clue with the following example:

Y = [ 1.72, 1.74, 2.09, 3.13, 2.87, 2.57 ]
X =  { 1, 7, 54.5, 0,
 1, 8, 54.0, 1,
 1, 9, 59.5, 1,
 1,10, 62.0, 1,
 1,11, 60.5, 0,
 1,12, 63.0, 0 ]

Thank you for your help,

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