Dear all,

I am getting an error in the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix which by
construction is positive definite, however I do not get this error always,
so I suspect that may be a round off error or something similar.

This is what I do, I define a set of bspline basis (well tested) with some
random breakpoints in the region [0, ... ,  1.], then I construct a bspline
penalty matrix Omega_ij, according to the definition

\Omega_{ij} = \int_0^1 { d^2B_i(x)/dx^2 * d^2 B_j(x)/dx^2 } dx

The accuracy of this integration is 1.e-10 (routine GSL_CQUAD), this matrix
is by definition positive definite, so it must have a Cholesky
decomposition. Most frequently though the code exits with: gsl:
cholesky.c:157: ERROR: matrix must be positive definite. When I calculate
the eigenvalues of the matrix, any negative one is smaller than the
accuracy of the integration.

Is the problem, a problem of numerical accuracy of the integration or am I
missing something? If it is, any ideas of how can I overcome this problem?

This is an example of a non successful run:

Breakpoints vector: 0 0.0787706 0.255106 0.361625 1

The matrix we are going to decompose:

   58925.1   -73663.5    12444.1    2242.28    52.0309
0                0               0
  -73663.5    93441.6   -17415.7   -2453.75    84.6702
6.6039                0               0
   12444.1   -17415.7    5553.91   -478.595   -131.754    27.7066
0.37945               0
   2242.28   -2453.75   -478.595    802.183   -79.4845   -47.1953
7.56762    6.99486
   52.0309    84.6702   -131.754   -79.4845    108.321   -13.2056
-40.4281    19.8509
              0      6.6039    27.7066   -47.1953   -13.2056    78.5354
-77.8817    25.4367
              0               0    0.37945    7.56762   -40.4281
-77.8817      273.35   -162.987
              0               0                0   6.99486    19.8509
25.4367   -162.987    110.704

Eigen values of Omega_ij: < 154969, 3316.71, 492.1, 391.685, 90.9888,
33.4476, 1.71923e-12, *-6.31159e-13* >

gsl: cholesky.c:157: ERROR: matrix must be positive definite
Default GSL error handler invoked.
Aborted (core dumped)

The negative eigenvalue is below the accuracy of the numerical integration.

Thank you very much for your time.

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