Thank you for taking a look, Tobias.

El 22/04/19 a las 7:31 p. m., Tobias Geerinckx-Rice escribió:

sirgazil wrote:
I installed Scribus from Guix in a foreign distro and it looks weird
when I launch it. See these screenshots for example:

Smells very much like high-DPI pixel doubling gone haywire.

It looks pixelated, as if zoomed in, and some parts of the interface
appear clipped. Anyone gets this same behavior?

I can't reproduce this on Guix System (git commit fa619007) without a desktop environment.  What kind of environment have you?

This is GNOME 3.

I'm using the following Guix and Scribus:

$ guix --version
guix (GNU Guix) ffc8ab75f10ecaaf52cdc38f5846e9af8e2dadd5

$ which scribus

I'm not familiar with Guix on foreign distroes but would expect something in ~/.guix-profile.  That might be a Guix System thing though.

Guix tells to set those kinds of paths ("/var/guix/...") when I install some packages.

For future reference

  $ readlink -m `which scribus`

might also be useful.

$ readlink -m `which scribus`

Luis Felipe López Acevedo

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