Jan <tona_kosmicznego_smie...@interia.pl> writes:

> Tried this, but didn't work, also tried mounting the partition at
> "/boot/efi" and installing bootloader at "/boot". I'm installing Guix
> form a not-UEFI machine, could this cause the problem?

Did you get the same error when you mounted at /boot/efi?

If you want the USB drive to be 'portable', i.e. not tied to a single
system, you can not use 'grub-efi-bootloader'.  The reason is that
grub-efi relies on updating UEFI firmware variables *on the running
system*, to make the newly installed bootloader show up in the UEFI boot

For the same reason, it is not possible to use it on a non-UEFI system.

It would be good to have a 'grub-standalone-bootloader' procedure that
would write a self-contained UEFI firmware executable to a standard
location, similar to what Guix does for disk images:


Would you like to try implementing it?

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