I am kind of shooting from the hip here, others may be more knowledgeable than 
me, but here is my two cents.

As a general rule, any "brand new hardware" (except server grade hardware and 
Intel hardware) generally needs 3-6+ months before it has good Linux support.  
So you may run into issues using the latest and greatest thing.

If you want a good GPU, then you might check out this: 
 It's a $50 graphics card that works with the libre nvidia driver (nouveau).  I 
think you have to manually set the clock frequency though...All AMD graphics 
cards are virtually useless on the Linux libre kernel.  AMD has proprietary 
firmware, which Linux libre disables.  Nvidia is as bad.  I think the 
integrated graphics from Intel works fairly well with Linux libre.

I've also run into that booting issue.  I think there is a way to disable fancy 
graphics rendering during the installer, which is what I had to do, to get guix 
to run on my AMD APU a few years ago.  Maybe someone here can point out how to 
do that, because I'm blanking on the specifics.  

If you are trying to game on Linux libre, you will probably run into some 
issues.  :(

November 23, 2020 4:38 PM, "Jesse Gibbons" <jgibbons2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guix,
> I built a guix image for a hardware enthusiast friend to try on his 
> computers, in part to see how
> well/completely his more modern hardware would run guix and if it would be 
> worth commissioning him
> to build me a computer. It successfully booted, but the screens turned blank 
> and didn't show gdm.
> My friend tried this twice, and the same thing happened. He tried 
> ctrl+alt+f{1..6} and didn't see
> anything (though he has a weird keyboard that requires him to hold a modifier 
> key to enter any
> function key). He suggested it might be because his computer has a Ryzen CPU 
> with the Zen 2
> Architecture, which he knows might need to work around. Since it booted fine, 
> I think it might be
> more related to his Nvidia GPU. Is there anything I can do, without resorting 
> to proprietary
> solutions, to make a guix image with a desktop at least displays with his 
> hardware?
> -Jesse

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