On Mon, 27 Dec 2021 22:17:22 +0100
Thorsten Wilms <t...@freenet.de> wrote:

> > env LD_DEBUG=libs LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT=/tmp/trace <executable>
> Interesting, but I’m puzzled about how to use that with compiz/unity.

I noticed that some icons in GNOME-applications are missing, so any of
those might do in place of compiz. They all belong to Ubuntu, not guix.

The result of `env LD_DEBUG=libs LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT=/tmp/trace
gnome-calculator` told me that /gnu/store paths are checked first and
exclusively for several libraries.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is empty and `env | grep /gnu/store` prints nothing,
but env does contain

I don’t recall ever doing anything about those; they are not defined
in .profile or .bashrc. I added
export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/home/thorwil/.guix-profile/lib
to .profile. Now I have all icons back! Guess there’s a better way?

This is no longer looks like a guix-topic, but compiz still segfaults
after many errors for various SVGs, like:
ERROR 2021-12-28 10:50:18 nux.gltexture.resource.manager
GLTextureResourceManager.cpp:54 Invalid target, impossible to generate
a new texture. Impossible to generate a pixbuf: Couldn’t recognize the
image file format for file “/usr/share/unity/icons/search_spin.svg”

`file` and the image viewer eog have no problem with

There’s also
compiz[8431]: WARN  2021-12-28 10:50:15 unity.glib.dbus.server 
GLibDBusServer.cpp:595 Can't register object 'com.canonical.Unity.Dash' yet as 
we don't have a connection, waiting for it...
compiz[8645]: WARN  2021-12-28 10:50:18 unity.glib.dbus.server 
GLibDBusServer.cpp:595 Can't register object 'com.canonical.Unity.Launcher' yet 
as we don't have a connection, waiting for it...

Thorsten Wilms <t...@freenet.de>

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