Hi Sébastien,

Sébastien Rey-Coyrehourcq writes:

> Thanks Daniel,
> So if i understand well, in the common use case, if you install guix
> home and use it in parallel with guix install, these profile are 
> "cumulative",
> software installed are available no matter how I set them up (guix
> install or using guix home declarative file + reconfigure) ?

Yes, these two profiles are normally both loaded in the sense that the
shell scripts ~/.guix-profile/etc/profile and
~/.guix-home/setup-environment are sourced.

> It is a bit confusing at first for new user, what's the best workflow,
> using the guix home declarative file and "reconfigure" or directly
> guix install ?

It depends on what you want to achieve.  You could use also both at the
same time.  I like to use only Guix home to manage the packages that I
need on a regular basis.  However, this is mainly because I also have
some dotfiles in my home-environment.  If you just want to declaratively
manage the packages you use, you could also do it with manifests¹.
Additionally, sometimes, when I need a package, that I presumably only
use once, I use ‘guix shell’² for it.


¹ https://guix.gnu.org/en/manual/devel/en/html_node/Writing-Manifests.html


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