
For a small embedded software project I need a resize-fs-service: a one-shot 
service started during boot that ensures that the rootfs (created from a guix 
system image foo.scm​ command) uses all of the medium's space -- creating an 
image of the correct size is completely infeasible as you may imagine.

I crafted the service in the file attached but this doesn't work and i neither 
know where to look nor how to debug the issue.

Any ideas are deeply appreciated!

Thanks for your time and effort!
Gabriel aka gabber

Gabriel Wicki
Research Assistant

ZHAW, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
InES, Institute of Embedded Systems
High Integrity Systems Group

Technikumstrasse 22, Postfach
CH-8401 Winterthur
E-Mail: w...@zhaw.ch
Web: http://ines.zhaw.ch
(define-module (resize-fs)
  #:use-module (gnu packages disk)
  #:use-module (gnu packages linux)

  #:use-module (guix build utils)
  #:use-module (guix packages)

  #:use-module (gnu services)
  #:use-module (guix gexp)
  #:use-module (guix records)
  #:use-module (gnu services shepherd))

(define (resize-fs-service config)
  (use-modules (guix gexp))
  (define parted #$(string-append (or (resize-fs-configuration-parted config)
  (define resize2fs #$(string-append (or (resize-fs-configuration-e2fsprogs config)
  (define size #$(resize-fs-configuration-size config))
  (define device #$(resize-fs-configuration-device config))
  (define partition #$(resize-fs-configuration-partition config))
  (define device+partition (string-append device "p" partition))

   (documentation "Resize a file-system.  Intended for Guix Systems that are booted from an image")
   (provision '(resize-fs))
   (one-shot? #t)
   (requirement '())
   (start #~(invoke (plain-file "resize_partition.bash"
parted " #$device " ---pretend-input-tty <<EOF
" #$partition "
" #$size"
" $#resize2fs " " device+partition))))))

(define-record-type* <resize-fs-configuration>
  resize-fs-configuration make-resize-fs-configuration
  ;; the utilities doing the job
  (parted resize-fs-configuraiton-parted
          (default parted))
  (e2fsprogs resize-fs-configuration-e2fsprogs
             (default e2fsprogs))
  ;; path of a device
  (device resize-fs-configuration-device
          (default "/dev/mmcblk0")) ; #f may be preferrable here
  ;; integer
  (partition resize-fs-configuration-partition
             (default 2))
  ;; size - as understood by parted
  (size resize-fs-configuration-size
        (default "100%")))

(define-public resize-fs-service-type
   (name 'resize-fs)
    (list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type resize-fs-service)))
   (description "Resize a partition.")
   (default-value (resize-fs-configuration))))

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