On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 10:02:14PM +0200, Farid Hajji wrote:
> >   IMO, a more serious problem is that the current situation about GNU
> > Mach is somewhat confusing. There are at least three variants, that
> > is, gnumach-1.2 and later which have glue code with Linux's block and
> > net drivers, gnumach-char which has glue code with Linux's char
> > drivers additionally, and oskit-mach which doesn't have the glue code
> > natively but uses OSKit instead. So it is difficult for contributors
> I completely agree with Okuji on this point. It would be interesting
> to contribute to *mach, but which mach is actually used for the Hurd and
> who is maintaining it?

Currently we use gnumach as it is in the Hurd cvs repository at
subversions.gnu.org. The variants Okuji mentions are in development, most
likely oskit-mach done by Roland McGrath will take over at some point. The
char device glue layer was written by Okuji and extended a little by me, but
it is probably a dead end (can be found on alpha.gun.org in the contrib area
of gnu/hurd). 

Responsible are the Hurd authors, mainly Thomas and Roland.

> I'm currently hacking on some modifications and enhancements of Utah's Mach4
> which are not yet ready for public.

Can you speak about the nature of the modifications?

> I'm testing those with the single lites
> Server and I'd like to test them with the Hurd too. Knowing which Mach is to
> be used for the Hurd would be of great help.
> BTW, modifying or enhancing Mach in general or gnumach-* in particular,
> by adding/enabling NORMA and other mechanisms, is a very deep and hairy
> matter and I'm looking for other people with Mach experience to first
> discuss the issues involved.

Well, Thomas Bushnell, BSG ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is the one to talk to about
Mach issues related to the Hurd.
> I'm currently digging through the Hurd libs and trying to figure out,
> how Hurd's interface to Mach exactly looks like. Are the sources the
> only documentation now, or am I missing something?

Well, there is a hurd info manual, but it mostly covers the Hurd libraries.
You will find the interfaces in hurd/*.defs, and little else in the Hurd
makes direct use of Mach features (grep is your friend :)


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