On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 03:07:19PM +0200, Lé0 wrote:
> Hi !
> I'm having some troubles with the cross-install script, apparently due
> to some dpkg problems. But as i'm not a Debian user (a slackware one),
> i'm not used to that king of dpkg error messages...
> The script says :
>       dpkg did return unusual messages
>       dpkg: `start-stop-daemon' not found on PATH .
> I don't know what this 'daemon' is, so if someone could help me... ;)

Well, start-stop-daemon is included in the dpkg package, but I'd guess that
you are not running cross-install as root. UNfrotunately this is necessary
for dpkg. It might help to add /sbin and /usr/sbin to your path, but it is
more likely that you need to run fakeroot (or libtricks). There is an option
to dpkg to ignore the user id, but the PATH must be correct.

The simplest work around is to run cross install as root.


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