Hi Farid,

without wanting to harm the essential message of your mail, I have two

On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 12:49:37AM +0200, Farid Hajji wrote:
>            2. There are other Mach implementations besides gnumach with a
>               richer or different set of features. Besides using the Hurd
>               as main OS-Server on top of those Mach(s), one could also use
>               the Hurd as 2nd OS-Server, inheriting X11, networking etc...

The Hurd is not a single server OS, it is one of the rare multiserver
systems, which makes it so special. The only thing I could probably see
fitting this point is booting a subhurd, which is already possible with the
"boot" command, and it is pretty straightforward to use. I tested it
recently, and it worked quite well.

>            3. Integrating the latest version of the Linux device drivers
>               to the Hurd should be further investigated,
>               probably by moving them into user-land.]

I think this is orthogonal to the other points (especially 1).


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