"Zaki, Ahmed" <a.zak...@imperial.ac.uk> writes:

> Hi,
> I am new to libtasn1 and I am trying to use it for a project I am working on.
> As part of that project I need to get accurate test coverage data for 
> libtasn1.

Hi and welcome.

> When trying to do so I have run into two questions:
> 1- What is the difference between the src and lib directories ? What
> does each directory conceptually include ?

lib/ contains the library, src/ contains the command-line tools.

> 2- The coverage information here
> https://gnutls.gitlab.io/libtasn1/coverage/ shows 85.3% for lib/* yet
> when I run make check I only get 68%. What do I need to run in from
> the tests/ folder in order to achieve the same coverage data ?

Exact coverage percentage will depend on the platform you use.  That
page were generated via .gitlab-ci.yml '.pages' rule, so read it and
check which container image and exact compiler flags that were used.
This should be reproducible locally, and you may use GitLab CI/CD log
outputs for comparison or debugging.


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  • Running the tests Zaki, Ahmed
    • Re: Running the ... Simon Josefsson via Discussion list for GNU Libtasn1

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