On 2022-10-17 02:57, bill-auger wrote:
> i reported this to arch and experimented a bit - the PKGBUILD has
> some missing dependencies - if you add those, the PKGBUILD should
> support GTK
> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/76225

Great! but -at least in my machine (tm)- it keeps failing, now with the
same error of the "manual" compilation process that begun this thread:

I added this two lines to the PKGBUILD that you mentioned in the
makedepends+=(freeglut glew glu libepoxy libglvnd mesa) # at least one
of these is necessary for openGL support
makedepends+=(gtkmm3 glade gtk2 gtksourceview3) # at least one of these
is necessary for GTK support

to PKGBUILD, and after: 

sudo pacman -R smalltalk
rm smalltalk-3.2.91-11-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
makepkg -s
sudo pacman -U smalltalk-3.2.91-11-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

terminal outputs:


important lines:
Object: Namespace new: 32 "<0x7f187c821c20>" error: Invalid argument
#GtkTreeModel: key not found
^CObject: Gtk error: did not understand #gtkWindowToplevel

^ here I kill it with C-c, becouse it hangs but displays nothing.

all of the errors that begin with:


seems to be bugs

as I said early, FreeBSD seems to just disable GTK, maybe for this
reason. I'm willing to fix it -if it's broken- if some one more
experimented with the code base lend me a hand.

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