On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 12:39:30AM +0100, Andreas Falkenhahn wrote:
> On 26.12.2011 at 23:47 Patrice Dumas wrote:
> Thanks a lot, now it's working indeed! There's just one minor problem left:
> For foo.texi, texi2html creates an entry file named foo_frame.html and this
> file references foo.html for the main frame in this line:
> <frame name="main" src="foo.html">
> foo.html, however, is not created by texi2html so opening foo_frame.html
> in a browser leads to a 404 error in the right frame.

That looks like a bug.  Can you send an example manual any 
required init file (I guess none are needed) and the call
of texi2html?

Also, you could try the latest almost released version of 
or even the texi2html version inside of the texinfo cvs...
But if you go that far, you could as well turn to the
new implementation that should be released someday, and
use texi2any...

> Also, another question: Is there a way to get rid of the footer that says:
> This document was generated by U-MACHINAE\Andreas on December 27, 2011 using 
> texi2html 1.82.
> It is appended to the end of every document automatically but I'd prefer to
> leave this out.... no offense meant of course :)

This also (with version 1.82, at least) requires using an init file.
You need to redefine the program_string function reference, like

$program_string            = \&my_noop;
sub my_noop
  return '';


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