On Sun, Apr 05, 2015 at 11:18:34AM +0200, Benno Schulenberg wrote:
> Hi,
> Several things.
> First, is there a way to encode U+00B7 (middle dot) in a texi
> file, in a way similar to @guillemetright{} and @bullet{}?

Not that I know of, but at some point, it is envisonned to have a
command like @U{} to allow to put any unicode point.

> Second, in the manual it says that @documentencoding sets the
> input encoding.  But I find that an @guillemetright{} only gets
> rendered as "ยป" (instead of ">>") when I set @documentencoding
> to UTF-8.  So it's more like that command sets the output encoding,
> no?  

Indeed, the output encoding is set to the input encoding in the
default case.

> But what will happen on a machine that does not use a UTF-8
> locale?  Will the resulting info file still be readable when the
> above command is used?  How will the guillemet get rendered there?

Eli answered this question already on the info reader side.

It is also possible to set the output encoding explicitly, by using 
for instance.  Also setting --disable-encoding could have the effect you
are looking for.


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