Ok, I'm now getting what you have with texinfo 6.3 installed.

> Jun 8, 2017 3:03、Gavin Smith <gavinsmith0...@gmail.com>のメール:
>> @defun make-abbrev-table &optional props
> <dt><a name="index-make_002dabbrev_002dtable"></a>Function: 
> <strong>make-abbrev-table</strong> <em>&amp;optional props</em></dt>
> It might be possible to change the output if it would be useful.

I was thinking that &optional and &rest are not part of the arguments and could 
be identified as such, like:

<dt><a name="index-call_002dprocess"></a>Function: 
<strong>call-process</strong> <em class="arg">program</em> <span 
class="arg_type">&amp;optional</span> <em class="arg">infile</em> <em 
class="arg">destination</em> <em class="arg">display</em> <span 
class="arg_type">&amp;rest</span> <em class="arg">args</em></dt>

or maybe have something simpler like:
<em class="optional_arg">&amp;optional props</em>
for &optional arguments,

<em class="rest_arg">&amp;rest ...</em>
for &rest arguments

<em class="arg">...</em>
for normal arguments.

for ex:
@defun call-process program &optional infile destination display &rest args

<dt><a name="index-call_002dprocess"></a>Function: 
<strong>call-process</strong> <em class="arg">program</em> <em 
class="optional">&amp;optional infile destination display</em> <em 
class="rest">&amp;rest args</em></dt>

The idea being to add visual aids from the CSS to identify which kind of 
arguments we have.


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