Am getting the following text when using texi2pdf.  I cannot understand exactly
what is producing the problem.the problem

Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo


Overfull \hbox (4.44653pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7--7
 @texttt Copyright:[]| 
(3 @ Microseismic Analysis of the Central Mediterranean Region) [-2] [1]
[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
l.1142: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1143: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1143: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo [12]
l.1189: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1189: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1190: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1195: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1195: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1203: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1203: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo [13]
l.1213: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1213: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1213: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1213: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1213: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1213: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1213: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo
l.1218: Unicode char @u8:⁢ not defined for Texinfo [14] (./03c-chmed-rfc.texi
 [15] [16] [17]) [18] (CC By-Nc-Nd 4)
[19] [20]

Christopher Dimech
General Administrator - Naiad Informatics - GNU Project (Geocomputation)
- Geophysical Simulation
- Geological Subsurface Mapping
- Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
- Natural Resource Exploration and Production
- Free Software Advocacy

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