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See 2 Articles Below Letter, most recent first and sources of info


~~~~~~~~Please Personalize Sample Letter~~~~~~~>Judy.

The Honorable Thomas Brown
Marion County Courthouse
P.O. Box 789
Jasper, TN 37347-0789
Phone: (423) 942-2552
Fax: (423) 942-1327

 Re:  Tennessee vs. Annette Mobley

Dear Judge Brown:

I congratulate the detectives for shutting down the Perry Link Memorial
Humane Society and for the seriousness given to this matter against its
president, Annette Mobley, by the prosecuting attorney.

I read in two articles by WTVC's Jessica Morris in which you were reported
as having said your patience is running low with this case and,  ³There's
more effort being put into this than any murder case we've tried since I've
been on the bench.²

I understand total disgust with this case.  I hope that is what you intended
to imply because I'm sure you agree that animals should never suffer such

By ignoring the animals' needs, Defendant Annette Mobley intentionally
inflicted pain and suffering on the animals in her care, and (unless she is
insane, blind, and/or absent) her actions could not be construed to be
anything other than cruelty to animals because she knew or should have known
they needed care.  

Mobley's obviously intentional lack of care for the animals, as described by
Detective Hargis of the horrid living conditions of dozens of animals at the
Perry Link Memorial Humane Society in June 2005, including malnourished
animals living in a fly, mosquito, and flea infested building covered with
feces with little food or water, does not reflect good intentions or

If cruelty to animals is not adequate reason to impose severe punishment,
may I remind you of the indisputable connection between animal cruelty and
human violence. Certainly, a person found guilty of such a crime has a cold
indifference to the suffering of a living being and is a potential danger to
society and other animals.  Were individuals guilty of perpetrating such
cruelty allowed to go unpunished or not be sufficiently held accountable,
their horrific crimes would be sanctioned and that would be unacceptable.

I respectfully request that the harshest penalty be imposed against  Annette
Mobley. In addition, I strongly suggest that Hunlock receive mandatory
psychological counseling and be prohibited from owning or caring for

Please take this case seriously.  Animal and perhaps human lives are at

Thank you for your time and consideration.


~~~~~~~~ Letter end ~~~~~~~~

Info Sources:

Source/Letters: WTVC, Chattanooga, TN, USA
Jessica Morris <jmorris @> (close spaces)
Other Contacts:  <>

More Details about Animal Cruelty Case
Jessica Morris
January 19,2007

There are more graphic details about an animal cruelty case in Marion
County, Tennessee. For the fourth day, Annette Mobley listened quietly in
court as witnesses testify about the living condition of dozens of animals
at the Perry Link Memorial Humane Society.

The morning began with both attorneys standing before the judge and accusing
the other side of acting improperly. Judge Thomas Brown dismissed their
claims, saying this case is already confusing enough for the jurors who have
to decide if Mobley is guilty of 67 counts of animal cruelty to the dogs and
cats who were in her care.

³Dogs have a smell, but they really had a smell, just really ugh! Take your
breath away smell,² said Cindy Davis, as she described the stench of dogs at
the Perry Link Memorial Humane Society in June 2005.

Davis said she made frequent visits to the shelter. Before Annette Mobley,
she used to be president. Davis said she knows several of the animals from
her time as president‹others she rescued when detectives shut down the

³When I had that dog he was really outgoing, real friendly, real playful,
but when I saw him that day it was like he was traumatized. He was
withdrawn,² Davis said of a dog the prosecution had a photo of.

She told of maggots feasting on a beagle's pressure soars, dogs covered in
feces, and puppies that died within days of being rescued.

³She was very, very thin. Very thin. You could count her ribs and her spinal
column,² said Davis about another dog.

But defense attorney Jess Beard said NONE of that proves animal cruelty, and
he insisted there's little evidence to prove Mobley harmed any pets on

³Are you more likely to have unhealthy animals brought to, dropped off, or
staying at a no-kill shelter?² asked Beard.

³Brought to? Yea,² replied Davis. ³You don't find them‹or they're not turned
in or they don't become residents of a humane society in good condition.²

Davis agreed with the prosecution who says the humane society was filthy
when detectives shut it down. But ask Davis if she thinks this adds up to
animal cruelty, and she's not so quick to condemn. She told Beard she thinks
this may be a case of animal neglect but NOT animal abuse. The trial
continues on Monday.
Animal Cruelty Case
Jessica Morris <jmorris @> (close spaces)
January 18,2007

A Marion County, Tennessee woman facing 67 animal cruelty charges sat
through a third day of testimony Thursday. Annette Mobley stands trial for
the horrific conditions authorities say they found at the Perry Link
Memorial Humane Society, where Mobley used to be president.

At five o'clock a third witness took the stand, but most of the day
consisted of the defense drilling a Marion County Detective for what they
say was a shoddy investigation.

³A lot of feces and bowel movements and urine in food would make it
inedible, sir,² Marion County Det. Gene Hargis told the defense.

Detective Hargis spent a second day on the witness stand. Wednesday he
described malnourished animals living in a fly, mosquito, and flea infested
building covered with feces with little food or water. Today (Thursday), the
defense tried discrediting the detective's testimony, hammering him with
repetitive and, to some, ridiculous-sounding questions that last for hours.

³Have I ever seen a dog lick his anus? No sir,² Det. Hargis told defense
attorney, Jes Beard. ³Have you ever seen a dog that ate a pile of feces?²
asked Beard. ³Have I ever seen a dog eat a pile of feces? No sir. I have
not,² answered Hargis.

Judge Thomas Brown said this is the first time he's ever had a witness on
the stand for a day and a half. With the jury out of the courtroom, he told
attorneys his patience was running low.

³There's more effort being put into this than any murder case we've tried
since I've been on the bench,² he said.

It's a long process because Mobley faces 67 counts of animal cruelty, and
the court must go through each and every animal.

³What causes you to remember this animal as from the Perry Link Memorial
since you have no photos, you have no records showing where the animals went
and you have no notes? asked Beard.

³Each individual dog looks different just like everybody in this courtroom
looks different,² answered Hargis. ³If you ask me a year from now is this
me? I'm gonna say yeah because I remember what you look like!²

Defense Attorney Jess Beard said he expects this case to be dismissed. He
said there's no proof Mobley intentionally hurt these animals.

More witnesses will take the stand tomorrow (Friday). Initially, we were
told the trial could wrap up in three days, but we're hearing it could last
for a couple of weeks.

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