
Signatures: 2,499 
Goal: 15,000 


PETITION: Cigarette and smoke testing on animals
Target: Michael E. Szymanczyk, Chairman & CEO, Philip Morris Companies, Inc.
Sponsor: Jess Boswell

    Even though U.S. federal law does not require that tobacco products be
tested on animals, thousands of animals are still kept in restraints like
smoke masks and body holders and subjected to horrific experiments every

 Experimenters have taken large grants from cigarette manufacturer Philip
Morris; from government agencies, including the Environmental Protection
Agency and the National Institutes of Health; and even from the March of
Dimes, to inject animals with nicotine, force them to inhale smoke and
addict them to tobaccoo.

Examples of their smoking experiments on animals include :

*    Cutting holes in beagles' throats through which the dogs are forced to
breathe concentrated cigarette smoke for a year.
*    Inserting electrodes into dogs' penises to measure the effect of
cigarette smoke on sexual performance.
*    Strapping masks to the faces of rats and monkeys and permanently
restraining them to force them to breathe cigarette smoke constantly.
*    Forcing dogs to be on mechanical ventilators and chronically exposed to
cigarette smoke.
*    Restraining Rhesus monkeys in chairs with head devices and exposing
them to nicotine and caffeine to determine how caffeine and nicotine affect

Experiment after experiment attempts on even more  in rats, mice, hamsters,
lambs, dogs, cats, monkeys, and other animals need to be put to a stop at
once! This is so disgusting and horrible that animals are forced to go
through this. Do your part and help to put this cruel testing to a stop!



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Cigarette  companies have hidden behind animal experiments for
decades, trying to  forget that everything we know about lung cancer and
other smoking related  illnesses has come from human epidemiological and
studies, not from  animal experiments. Even though U.S. federal law does not
require that tobacco  products be tested on animals and even though smoking
experiments on animals  have been illegal in Britain since 1997, thousands
animals are still kept in  restraints like smoke masks and body holders and
subjected to horrific  experiments every year.

At this very moment, pregnant monkeys at the  Oregon Regional Primate
Research Center (ORPRC) are being kept in small,  barren metal cages,
their fetuses exposed to nicotine. Funded by the U.S.  government, ORPRC
experimenter Eliot Spindel acknowledges that "the deleterious
effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy are all too well
established.effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy are all too well
established.<WBR>" Yet his five year study, during which he will kill the b

This is one of countless examples of cruel and completely
unnecessary experiments. Experimenters have taken large grants from
cigarette manufacturer Philip Morris; from government agencies, including
Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institutes of Health; and
even  from 
the March of Dimes, to inject animals with nicotine, force them to inhale
smoke and addict them to tobacco--a substance that they would never normally
encounter or imbibe if left in peace.

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