I'll second newrelic's RPM. They had a free week long trial for the best
package (gold, IIRC) a while back and it was pretty impressive. The free
package is okay, and you can see enough to be reasonably useful, but there
is a lot missing from the higher level packages.


On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Paul Gallagher <gallagher.p...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestions Oren, I'll do some more monitoring. Haven't used
> newrelic before, but heard good things about it. Seems like a good chance to
> check it out;-)
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Oren Teich <o...@teich.net> wrote:
>> > is current performance (i.e. the past few days) unusual/ are there
>> issues
>> > being actively resolved?
>> > is performance recognised as an issue/ are there plans to do anything
>> about
>> > it?
>> > what have other's experiences been like? (network is a factor for me
>> since
>> > I'm based in Singapore, but not when compared to other US-hosted sites)
>> That does sound odd.  I've had variable performance at times with
>> Heroku myself.  I know that at one point they upgraded something I was
>> running on, which had a huge performance bump for me.
>> are you using anything like newrelic or scout?  That can give you a
>> good feel for where the performance issue is, and help identify if
>> it's heroku acting wonky or something else.  I've used newrelic myself
>> (the free version) to get a feel for what's going on.
>> You can also submit a ticket at support.heroku.com, and they're
>> usually pretty good about responding.
>> Oren
> >

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