I wrote a simple Heroku app to do service monitoring. It uses
DelayedJob to queue up repeating tasks like doing an HTTP ping of a
server once a minute or once an hour.

Twice now the worker has died overnight. "heroku workers" still says
I'm running 1 worker, but there's no message in "heroku logs" -- not
even the stub of logs from the DJ worker that was there before. It
looks like the worker instance has been retired by the scheduler. If
I run "heroku workers 0; heroku workers 1" then it comes back and my
jobs all start running.

Aha! It just started up a worker on its own after I hit the web page
for the first time today. I think the scheduler needs to be smarter
about worker proceses... maybe it needs to check the database for any
Delayed Jobs whose run_at is soon, and either not retire it or make
sure a worker comes online in time to run it.

The code is at http://github.com/alexch/sentry if you want to try it yourself.

Has anyone else had this problem?


Alex Chaffee - a...@cohuman.com - http://alexch.github.com
Stalk me: http://friendfeed.com/alexch | http://twitter.com/alexch |

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