Dear Listmembers,

So far some 90 people have migrated to the new list.  There are still over 200
addresses on the old list who haven't moved yet.  Just a reminder of how to do

Use your web browser to go to this webpage:

Click on the link at the right side that says "Join this group".

If you don't already have a Google Groups account, it will take you to where
you create one.  This is very easy: enter your email address and a password,
and whatever nickname you want to be known by.  If you already have a Google
Groups account, you can sign in.  If you have a Google Groups account and
don't remember the password, there's a link to ask it to send you the

You'll now get a confirming email in your usual email account which contains a
link to confirm that you want to create the Google Groups account.  Click on
this link.  For some people, this confirming email may go in the "Spam" folder
or the "Trash" folder, so look for it there if you don't get the email pretty
soon after creating your Google Groups account.

You will now be back in the HG list group on Google Groups, where you can
specify how you want to receive the postings from the group.  You are now
signed up with Google Groups, and you are subscribed to the list.

All email postings to the new group have [HG-new] at the beginning of the
subject line.  We'll let discussions on the old [HG] wind down.  Please start
any new discussions on the new list.  When you subscribe to the new list,
you'll be able to see the archives, so you won't have missed anything.

If you need help subscribing yourself, please contact me at this address,

If you are uncomfortable with having a Google Groups account, I can subscribe
you without one.

Remember, the [HG] list will be retired on or about the 15th of October.

Alden the Listmaster

"I pressed on, taking fresh trouble for granted"
  - Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra

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