> RE: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-2860
> This dealt with cleaning up all the overloaded openSession methods from 
> SessionFactory and SessionFactoryImplementor.
> The new main method for obtaining a Session is SessionFactory.withOptions() 
> which returns a org.hibernate.SessionBuilder instance which can be used to 
> specify the options with which you want the Session built by eventually 
> calling openSession() on it.  For example:
> Session session = sessionFactory
>        .withOptions()
>        .connection( someConnection )
>        .openSession();
> The only prior form I left is openSession()
> There is also a means to create a Session using certain information from an 
> existing session using Session.sessionWithOptions() which returns a 
> org.hibernate.SharedSessionBuilder (extending from SessionBuilder).
> As part of this I was also finally able to remove the long deprecated 
> Session.connection() method since we now have doWork, doReturningWork and now 
> session opening.
> Any questions or concerns?

Which of these best fits AuditLogInterceptor pattern ? i.e. where you want the 
same connection
as a session but do not wish to "pollute" the session with entities/state 
concerning the auditlog entries ?

None of them seem to allow for that as far as I can see ?

They either use different session or have a limited lifecycle not permitting 
keeping a second session 
around for lookup/state ?

Am I missing something ?


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