
solr-analysis-extras is a big package as it comes with the following
  3594568  2012-10-06 18:46   WEB-INF/lib/lucene-smartcn-3.6.1.jar
   511956  2012-10-06 18:46   WEB-INF/lib/lucene-stempel-3.6.1.jar
which is 4 MB of dependencies which are usually not that useful
(stempel is a polish stemmer, smartcn is for chinese).

I checked and hibernate-search compiles perfectly when we remove the
dependency to solr-analysis-extras and we add a dependency to
solr-core as all the analyzers used by Hibernate Search (including
most of the locale dependent analyzers/stemmers) are now in
lucene-analyzers. IIRC, they were moved from solr-analysis-extras to
lucene-analyzers during the 3.x release cycle.

Apart from the size of the jars, as a lot of new Java features
(Servlet 3 related features for instance) are based on classpath
scanning, removing this useless dependency looks worthwhile to me.

So the plan is to replace the solr-analysis-extras dependency with
solr-core. I can work on a pull request if it looks sane to everyone.

Thanks for your feedback.

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