On 8 June 2016 at 08:11, Gunnar Morling <gun...@hibernate.org> wrote:
> 2016-06-07 15:51 GMT+02:00 Steve Ebersole <st...@hibernate.org>:
>> Too bad we can't just publish a Docker image.
> We could do that, but I think we should have a solution for non-Docker
> users, too.

What's the point to package a library in a Docker image?

>> Is this something we'd publish somewhere (Nexus/Artifactory)?
> Yes, we'd publish it in Nexus and also BinTray/SourceForge.
> People would download it, unzip it into the "modules" directory of their WF
> instance and could start using the new ORM version (provided the larger
> scheme of integration hasn't changed, so the JipiJapa bits in WF continue
> to work as is).
>>   I know nothing about building a WF module ZIP.  But if you are willing
>> to do the work and it helps OGM etc, of course we would incorporate it.
> Ok, cool. I'll take a look then.
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 8:19 AM Gunnar Morling <gun...@hibernate.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As discussed by some of us during the No ORM meeting in May, it'd be great
>>> if there was a module ZIP allowing people to easily upgrade Hibernate ORM
>>> in the WildFly version they are using.
>>> Just the other day there was a blog post published [1] describing how to
>>> use Hibernate ORM 5.2 in WF 10, essentially via Search & Replace on the
>>> existing module.xml files. We could do better than that, leaving the
>>> original version intact and providing a new one with a specific slot
>>> ("5.2") in the ZIP.
>>> That'd also be helpful for other projects such as Hibernate OGM which
>>> already provide a module ZIP for WF but currently need to package ORM,
>>> too,
>>> in case they need features from a later ORM version.
>>> If we all agree that's a good thing to have, I can help with making it
>>> happen.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --Gunnar
>>> [1]
>>> http://avolpe.github.io/docker/2016/06/05/docker-wildfly-hibernate-5.2.html
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