On 11 June 2016 at 18:47, Sanne Grinovero <sa...@hibernate.org> wrote:
> On 11 June 2016 at 18:25, Steve Ebersole <st...@hibernate.org> wrote:
>> The ORM failure seems to be a Gradle/JDK9 issue.  Any idea about that?
> Not sure, that's a new one :)
> It could be related to https://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-3287 ?
> Might be worth trying to upgrade to Gradle 2.12 .. I'm not at a
> terminal at the moment, I could try later.

I've upgraded to Gradle 2.13, the pull request is here:
 - https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/pull/1417#

It solved that specific issue, but it's not enough. I'm still trying
to hack a workaround for the next step, but in the meantime that PR
could be considered independently.

I could use some pointers with Gradle and the custom plugins we use;
essentially we need to pass some additional JVM flags, including to
javac, like here:

But the failure happens during:
 Execution failed for task ':hibernate-core:xjc'

and I'm not sure how to override the JVM flags for that plugin execution.


>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016, 4:39 PM Sanne Grinovero <sa...@hibernate.org> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> please try to have a look at this page when you have a moment:
>>>  - http://ci.hibernate.org/view/JDK9/
>>> Hibernate Search is working, and it shouldn't be too hard to get the
>>> others "green" as well.
>>> I've disabled some integration tests to get there, notably:
>>>  - OSGi tests: Karaf is not ready for it.
>>>  - Documentation build: Asciidoc will probably need an update.
>>>  - WildFly integration tests: the WildFly team is aware, will need a
>>> minor upgrade.
>>> I don't believe these issues are relevant, so I'm satisfied that all
>>> other tests working fine mean that the project will pretty much work
>>> out of the box for end users - at worst their container won't work,
>>> but that's not our responsibility to test for.
>>> Could you all contribute a bit to get all projects show "green" on this
>>> page?
>>> Some "workarounds" you might want to apply:
>>>  - the Logger interfaces won't compile because of a known issue, this
>>> can be worked around for now by having the compilation phase also
>>> explicitly depend on this artifact:
>>> https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-search/blob/master/pom.xml#L878-L883
>>>  - you'll have a ClassNotFoundException on JAXB usage unless you set
>>> this JVM flag:
>>> https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-search/blob/master/pom.xml#L1429
>>> (This one is not a bug but will be required to be set by end users as
>>> well - or we provide our own XML parser, that might be more user
>>> friendly).
>>> As far as I know, other issues with the build tools have been solved
>>> already - including Gradle.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sanne
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