
On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 7:05 PM Steve Ebersole <> wrote:

> Hmmm there is an interesting aspect to Tuple + TupleTransformer.. both
> expect to get the root selection aliases and would naturally expect those
> to match in length to the values to transform.  Basically only one can
> "consume" the aliases.
> I think that because Tuple is a "higher precedence" (it defines the result
> type) it ought to win that battle.  But then that is inconsistent for
> TupleTransformer.  IMO either we let Tuple consume the aliases or we
> disallow this combo.
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 6:00 PM Steve Ebersole <>
> wrote:
>> So here is the path I am following initially.. It is straightforward to
>> explain to a user which I like.
>> In terms of processing each "row" in a result there is the RowTransformer
>> contract I mentioned earlier, or maybe I mentioned on HipChat.  I added the
>> capability for RowTransformer to be nested, specifically I defined 2
>> levels:
>>    1. an implicit RowTransformer.  This is resolved based on the
>>    following chart:
>>       1. If there is a resultType and it is Object[].class we do a "pass
>>       thru"
>>       2. If there is a resultType and it is Tuple.class we do use a
>>       RowTransformer adapter that builds a Tuple
>>       3. If there is just one selection we transform the Object[] by
>>       returning just row[0]
>>    2. a RowTransformer adapter for TupleTransformer, if specified
>> And just a word on dynamic-instantiation here.. it is actually done prior
>> to any of this.  In fact, in 6.0 a dynamic-instantiation is no different
>> that other selectable expressions.
>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 9:19 AM Steve Ebersole <>
>> wrote:
>>> So again, this all boils down to the interplay with
>>> (Result|Tuple|ResultList)Transformer, dynamic instantiations, and
>>> result-types.
>>> So let's look at some specific cases...
>>> First some cases I think are perfectly valid:
>>> session.createQuery( "select new map(...) ...", Map.class ) - returns a
>>> List<Map<String,?>>
>>> session.createQuery( "select new list(...) ...", List.class ) - returns
>>> a List<List> (rather than List<Object[]>)
>>> session.createQuery( "select new DTO(...), DTO.class ) - returns a
>>> List<DTO>
>>> Ok, so I cheated there by not including transformers :)  So let's look
>>> at adding transformers into this mix[1].
>>> session.createQuery( "select new map(...) ...", Map.class )
>>>         .setTupleTransformer( new TupleTranformer<SomeNonMap>() {...} )
>>> this one is illegal.  It defines the Query resultType as Map, but the
>>> applied TupleTranformer is transforming those to SomeNonMap -> CCE.
>>> This should be either:
>>> session.createQuery( "select new map(...) ...", SomeNonMap.class )
>>>         .setTupleTransformer( new TupleTranformer<SomeNonMap>() {...} )
>>> or (non-typed):
>>> session.createQuery( "select new map(...) ..." )
>>>         .setTupleTransformer( new TupleTranformer<SomeNonMap>() {...} )
>>> In both of those cases, the TupleTranformer is handed a Object[] where
>>> the only element is the Map.
>>> I guess too that defines the blueprint for what is and what is not
>>> supported and how the various pieces apply.
>>> But I am still not sure about the semantic wrt TupleTransformer and/or
>>> dynamic-instantiation in combination with Tuple.  I kind of think those
>>> should just be illegal combos:
>>> session.createQuery( "select ...", Tuple.class )
>>>         .setTupleTransformer( () -> ... )
>>> Unless the TupleTransformer is building a Tuple, I that is a bad combo
>>> for sure.
>>> I thik dynamic-instantiation and TupleTransformer is ok:
>>> session.createQuery( "select new DTO(...) ..." )
>>>         .setTupleTransformer( () -> ... )
>>> Here the TupleTransformer would get Object[] with the long element being
>>> the DTO; the "query result" is whatever the TupleTransformer returns.
>>> Any other specific combos we should clarify?
>>> [1]  I am using the new TupleTransformer and ResultListTransformer
>>> breakdowns I have defined on 6.0 :
>>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 8:52 AM Steve Ebersole <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 2:26 AM Gunnar Morling <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> > Between dynamic-instantiation, Tuple-handling...
>>>>> To be sure, WDYM by "tuple-handling"?
>>>> javax.persistence.Tuple
>>>> So I gave just one example earlier of how all of these things do not
>>>> necessarily fit together in inherently obvious ways.  Some
>>>> combinations I think are ok; others are not.  In sitting here and trying to
>>>> describe this to a user from a documentation perspective, it is not a
>>>> simple explanation.
>>>> I'll follow up with a separate reply that covers those combos for
>>>> discussion.
>>>> One use case for result transformers are full-text searches executed
>>>>> through Hibernate Search's Session extension FullTextSession (see [1]).
>>>>> For full-text searches we don't use HQL/JPQL, so the "new ..." syntax
>>>>> cannot be used, but I don't know about tuple-handling.
>>>> Well for sure you do not allow the user to use HQL/JPQL.  But I'd have
>>>> to assume that under the covers you handle resolving that
>>>> FullTextQuery yourself from the indexes - which means this is not even a
>>>> ORM Query at all and what we do with ResultTransformer in ORM in regards to
>>>> Query is completely irrelevant for you.  In other words I would have to
>>>> think that Search itself is applying that ResultTransformer in your
>>>> example, not ORM.  Very different.
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