That error might be the manifestation of the problem, but its just a
symptom of the fact that this is not supported.  The type passed in to type
the query must match what is selected (your "...").

And in fact JPA and Hibernate *do* support this, just not the way you do
it.  You have to use a ResultSet mapping (see
@javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping).  You'd specify
a javax.persistence.ConstructorResult.

Hibernate has an alternative means to support this using
a org.hibernate.transform.ResultTransformer

On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 9:47 AM Arnold Gálovics <>

> Hi all,
> I'm particularly interested in the usecase when you want to have a DTO
> projection from a native query. Currently as far as I know this is not
> supported through the JPA API.
> If I say entityManager.createNativeQuery("...", SomeDTO.class) Hibernate
> says SomeDTO is not an entity, at least that's what I remember.
> Now I implemented the support for the Tuple type for native queries, so
> implementing the support for DTO projections shouldn't be an issue.
> Is there any reason why this is not supported yet?
> Thanks in advance!
> Best,
> Arnold
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