On 8-9-2017 20:23, Vlad Mihalcea wrote:
> I test Hibernate with the following DBs mostly:
> - H2
> - Oracle
> - SQL Server
> - PostgreSQL
> - MySQL and MariaDb
> For other databases, it's not guaranteed that all tests will run.
> Related to that function, we could other add a change, but it must work 
> on the DBs above too.
> Or, you could just mark the test with @SkipForDialect.

I managed to successfully test my solution on H2, SQL Server, PostgreSQL 
and MySQL (did not try Oracle and MariaDB yet), but I have decided to go 
for @SkipForDialect instead for now. I might revisit that decision at a 
later date.

Mark Rotteveel
hibernate-dev mailing list

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