Jonathan, we aren't going to be exposing this or using this
via TransactionSynchronizationRegistry.  Your comment about a "dummy" in
the JDBC txn case is exactly why.  We already have such an abstraction :

On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 10:22 AM Steve Ebersole <> wrote:

> Yes that would work for me, but thinking about the implementation it
>> implies you'd need to hold on to both a Set and a Map, and then we'd
>> be exposed to silly usage like people adding the same synchronization
>> twice in two different ways?
> Does it?  Nothing in the SPI requires us to store things in any specific
> way.  E.g. we can keep just a Map - when we are passed
> a KeyableSynchronization we'd use that key, when we are passed a
> non-KeyableSynchronization Synchronization we'd generate one ourselves.
> And we cant stop people from every conceivable "silly usage".  At some
> point we are professional developers and should be able to do the non-silly
> things ;)
> And as far as your "register the thing twice" worry... rhetorically, what
> stops them from calling:
> reg.register( "abc", MySync.INSTANCE )
> reg.register( "123", MySync.INSTANCE )
> Nothing.
> I'd rather expose a single consistent way: having to make up an id
>> doesn't seem too inconvenient considering it's an SPI.
> Well, again, I don't see how KeyableSynchronization is a "inconsistent"
> approach.  In fact out of the 2, it is my preferance.
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