On 2019-06-19 12:12, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Jun 2019 at 14:19, Mark Rotteveel <m...@lawinegevaar.nl> 
> wrote:
>> On 16-6-2019 16:28, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
>> > After a significant hiatus, I have restarted my work on adding improved
>> > support for Firebird 2.5 and 3.0 (and more importantly struggling
>> > through some test failures).
>> >
>> > I am wondering what I should target for my changes: the current master
>> > branch or the upstream/wip/6.0 branch. What would be the preferred or
>> > 'better' option?
> Hi Mark,
> sorry for the late reply, I think we'll need Steve to give you a
> definitive answer.
> Just wondering, would your patches be significantly different?

At this point I have only looked at master, so I don't yet know if there 
would be significant differences or not.

> As far as I know branch wip/6.0 is a bit in flux ATM, so it might be
> safer to just target master.
> Or send them to both if that's easy for you?

I can probably do that as well.

>> On a related note, I have touched a lot of tests to either skip them 
>> or
>> make some changes to make them pass. What is the best approach: commit
>> together with the dialect changes, or offer the dialect change in a
>> separate pull request from all those test changes?
> Either works for us. Maybe it's easier for you to first send a PR with
> all testsuite improvements?

Most of the test changes rely on the presence of the new dialects I 
created for Firebird 2.5 and 3.0 (for dialect-specific checks, or to 
skip the test for a dialect). A single PR seems like a logical choice, 
but the new dialects could be the first PR and the test changes as a 
follow up.

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