On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 20:55:52 +0100, Scott M Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

fixing the antlr exception svuid won't help us if the client
is using an older version, right ?

It will if the serialVersionUID is set to the implicit value from the
previous version. This can be done if the version is still serializable

which it isn't afaik. the antlr version started to include more data in the exception over time.

calling printStackTrace() on every exception sounds overkill
for me...and will turn basic logging into something very verbose.

Should be no different from now as logging generally includes the cause.

well, for me that is showing the exception message in a dialog in the ui I would be very
disappointed to have a full stack trace in the message output.

I understand the issue, but don't find the suggested
solutions any good ;(

Would be nice to have an option to have any exposed remote
exception do the serialization of the "cause".
Would make it a non-issue where it actually matters.

This can't be done without modifying the exception either via source or
bytecode manipulation.

And bytecode manipulation or simple modification of the exception in the jboss serialization/remoting layer
have that option, correct ?

Max Rydahl Andersen


JBoss Inc

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