Asalamualaikum,Ini pendapat salah seorang Pensyarah Business Admin di UIA 
berkenaan pelaburan internet. Pnedapat pensyarah lain saya dah terbuang tapi 
mereka mempunyai pendapat yang sama dengan IKIM dan pensyarah Nazrol .Kalian 
boleh email mana2 pensyarah economic ,accounting atau bisnes admin  di jika ada soalan lanjut. 
  In general trading is permissible in Islam, and that includes currencies. 
When there is trade between different countries you cannot avoid but have the 
buying and selling of currencies to facilitate payments in various different 
currencies. So generally spot trading of currencies is permissible. It is when 
you include currency derivatives that the Shari’ah has certain objections. 
While there are cases that currency derivatives are used for the purpose of 
hedging, and this may be acceptable to the Shari’ah, there are many other 
instances where currency derivative trading is done purely for speculative 
profits. This practice is what the Shari’ah has problems with. Speculation can 
lead to prices of a commodity to not reflect its true market value and price. 
Through excessive speculative trading, the market price of a commodity can be 
manipulated. As a result of such profiteering, some parties will make 
significant profits, at the expense of other parties who are affected by
 the inflated or deflated commodity price. The point here is this. If real 
trading occurs (buying and selling of actual commodities) that is fine. But 
what is happening in the derivatives market is that the trading is merely on 
paper (or just electronically). It does not reflect real trading of commodities 
and as such the market price does not reflect true demand and supply of the 
commodity but rather the demand and supply of the derivatives market for that 
commodity. Such practices often lead to exploitation and injustice. That is why 
the Shari’ah may have some objections to it. Cases in point, the financial 
crisis in 97/98 and more recently, high prices of oil. These, to some extent, 
were and are influenced by activities in the derivatives market.
  Above is my brief and humble opinions on your question. I am by no means an 
expert on this so please consult other people as well as read more on the topic 
to get a better understanding. Also, if you would like to discuss this further, 
you can always drop in. Hope I have helped to clarify some of your concerns.
  Allah knows best.
    Nazrol Kamil Mustaffa Kamil
  Department of Business Administration
  Kulliyyah of Economics and Management 
  In short, pelaburan Internet itu HARAM.Kalau nak cuba juga cubalah. Ramai 
orang rugi beratus ribu dalam pelaburan Internet ini.Saya pernah kerja di forex 
(salah satu pelaburan internet) sebelum saya bertanya Dr,Nazrol, memang ramai 
yang rugi especially masa kartun nabi muhammad ( buatan kartunist danish) hari 
tu ramai rugi teruk. Itulah padahnya bila kita tak mahu ikut Islam,wassalam

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