10/07: Malaysia does not forbid Muslims from converting, PM says
   [print] Category: General  
 Posted by: Raja Petra  

 (Kyodo) - Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Monday that 
Islamic authorities should be more understanding in handling conversion issues 
following numerous high-profile cases that threw Malaysia's image as a 
progressive and moderate Muslim country into question. 

"I have always told the religious departments to listen to their grouses why 
they want to leave the religion. We have to be ready to listen and to resolve 
the problem," he told reporters on the sidelines of an international Islamic 

"This is not something that cannot be done (leaving Islam). It has happened 
before. For those who don't want to be Muslim anymore, what can you do?" 
Abdullah added. 

Malaysia is currently embroiled in tense and emotional debates over recent 
cases involving Muslims who tried but failed to renounce their religion. 

The discussions pit those who believe Malaysia needs to shore up its Islamic 
credentials with more rigid enforcement against those who want freedom of 
religion and secularism in the multiracial country where non-Muslims account 
for about 40 percent of the 26 million population. 

Some people such as Lina Joy, an ethnic Malay-Muslim who became the country's 
most famous Christian convert, face tremendous challenges to practice their new 

Joy had to live in hiding due to threats from religious zealots after she 
sought redress in a secular court to recognize her new faith. 

But the country's highest court, the Federal Court ruled that it has no 
jurisdiction over conversion matter and directed her to the sharia Islamic 

But converts such as Joy know the hurdles they face if they go to the sharia 

Apostasy, considered one of Islam's greatest sins, is punishable by 
imprisonment or a fine under Malaysia's sharia law. Converts also face being 
sent to "rehabilitation" centers as in the case of Revathi Masoosai, an ethnic 
Indian-Muslim who wants to be Hindu. 

She applied to the sharia court to renounce Islam and for that she was sent to 
the rehabilitation center for six months. 

Revathi, who was released last week, spoke of being mentally tortured and that 
she was threatened that her 15-month-old baby would be taken away from her. 

She also spoke of being served beef most of the time even though beef is 
prohibited for Hindus. 

Despite her ordeal, the religious authorities still refused to grant her wish 
to embrace Hinduism. 

Instead, she has to continue receiving "counseling." 

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