Stunning pictures of a solar corona where temperatures around Sun reach
2,000,000cBy Michael Hanlon

Shooting a million miles or more out into the hard, cold vacuum of space,
this fiery halo is one of the wonders of the universe.

Whipped into gigantic swirls by the Sun's ferocious magnetic fields, the
shell of super-hot gas is as beautiful as it is dangerous.

It's called a corona and can't normally be seen because of the brightness of
the Sun, a broiling sea of hydrogen gas at 10,000c. But during a solar
eclipse, the Moon blocks out the Sun and the corona is spectacularly
 [image: solar eclipse]

A photo montage captured during a solar eclipse over the Marshall Islands in
July 2009. The beautiful image shows the solar corona that makes up the
sun's 'atmosphere' in amazing detail as the sun passes behind the Moon

This extraordinary image is a montage, digitally stitched together from 38
photos taken in Mongolia in August 2008 by veteran eclipse hunter Miloslav

Even though there are small pink areas resulting from over-exposure, the
result is still the clearest picture yet of this extraordinary phenomenon.
To understand it is to come closer to grasping the awesome power of the Sun.

This flaming ball of hydrogen and helium gas, at 865,000 miles across, is
100 times wider than the Earth, with a million times its volume. Powered by
nuclear reactions in its core, it is the most majestic object in our skies.
 [image: This picture was created from 38 individual photographs at ISO 100,
exposure time was between 1/125 seconds and 8 seconds]

This picture was created from 38 individual photographs at ISO 100, exposure
time was between 1/125 seconds and 8 seconds

 [image: As well as being very hot, the ionised gas of the corona (called
plasma) has a superthin consistency. It is less than a billionth of the
density of the hydrogen that makes up the main ball of the Sun]

As well as being very hot, the ionised gas of the corona (called plasma) has
a superthin consistency. It is less than a billionth of the density of the
hydrogen that makes up the main ball of the Sun

As hot as the Sun is, the corona is 200 times hotter - more than a million
degrees celsius. Why this should be is a mystery. Some believe it is the
result of a form of heating called induction - the same thing that powers
hi-tech cooking hobs.

As well as being very hot, the ionised gas of the corona (called plasma) has
a superthin consistency. It is less than a billionth of the density of the
hydrogen that makes up the main ball of the Sun.

The odd result of this is that if, by some magic, you were to touch the
corona, you would freeze rather than fry.

Despite its thinness, the corona can pack a deadly punch. Occasionally, the
Sun's surface erupts in a solar quake, a paroxysm of gigantic storms and
flares. Sometimes these are powerful enough to eject vast blobs of corona
gas into space at millions of miles per hour.
 Enlarge   [image: the view from the marshall islands]

This was the view from the Marshall Islands for Mr Druckmuller where the
pictures were taken. He has travelled the world chasing eclipses

In 1859, one such eruption hit the Earth square on, generating a brilliant
aurora in the night sky (bright enough to wake sleeping Gold Rush miners in
the Klondyke) and shorting out much of the world's nascent telegraph system.

Though solar storms can't hurt humans directly, the 1859 event was powerful
enough to melt copper cables. Should such an event happen today, it would
cause utter chaos and could well precipitate an economic meltdown.

Our electricity grids would be fried and phone and internet lines would be
shut down.

But what's the likelihood of that happening? Unfortunately, it's impossible
to say - though some scientists predict another corona eruption in the
summer of 2012, when the Sun is predicted to enter a new 'manic' phase of
 [image: solar eclipse graphic]

*A total eclipse is only seen along a narrow band on Earth that is covered
by the Moon's umbra*

~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Thank you for being a part of my life,
whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.~~~

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