*On Thursday night, March 25, many people may look up at the sky and ask the

*"What's that bright star next to the moon?"*

*The answer for Thursday night is Mars, but that answer changes night by
night as the moon

*travels along the
the path the sun, moon and planets follow across the sky. If you ask

*the question again on Monday night, March 29, the answer will be the ringed
planet Saturn.*

*Such conjunctions of the moon and planets are regular reminders of how
rapidly the moon

*moves across the sky.*

*Mars was in opposition to the Sun on Jan. 29, when it appeared 14
arcseconds in diameter,

*1/120 of the diameter of the moon. Two months later, it is much farther
away, and has shrunk

*to only 10 arcseconds in diameter. *

*This will be your last chance to get a good look at
it approaches the Earth again in

*2012 [see more Mars

*The sky these spring evenings presents a striking contrast between its
western half, filled with the

*bright stars and constellations of winter, and its eastern half, with
Regulus the only bright star.

*Mars sits in solitary splendor in Cancer, one of the most insignificant zodiac
constellations, just

*above the plane of the Milky Way.*

*But there is much lurking beyond the dim stars of spring, for we are
entering the realm of the

*galaxies. The constellation Leo alone contains five of the brightest
galaxies in Charles Messier's*

* famous 18th century catalog of deep sky

*When we look towards Leo, we are looking above the plane of our Milky Way
galaxy at the depths

*of intergalactic space, unhindered by the clouds of dust and gas which fill
our galaxy.*
~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Thank you for being a part of my life,
whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.~~~

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