
*On Saturday April 3rd 2010, there were massive
pillow fights in cities around the world!

**The rules for this pillow fight were pretty straight forward:

1. Bring a pillow, a soft one, preferred.
2. Don't hit anyone without a pillow.
3. If you are wearing glasses, make sure you take them off.
4. Don't hit people with cameras.
5. No feathered pillows (preferably) .
6. Go all out!*

Budapest, Hungary
Over the weekend, crowds gathered in 150 cities worldwide to whack each
other with pillows.

New York, NY, USA
The events were organized through social networks.

Paris, France
Most of the fights lasted no more than a few minutes. The bout at the base
of the Eiffel Tower was over in 15 minutes.

Lausanne, Switzerland
Two groups devoted to interactive public fun, the Urban Playground Movement
and NewMindSpace, spearheaded the organization of the gatherings.

Washington, DC, USA
The battle in the American capital took place beneath the Washington

Edinburgh, Scotland
Said one participant, "It's really funny, quite frankly, it's a great
atmosphere, it's not violent, it's just to release your energy, it's great

Budapest, Hungary
In some cities, only a few pillow fighters participated; in others, hundreds
came to whack it out.

Geneva, Switzerland
Participants reported that feathery pillows did not last long in the scrum.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The event is held in early spring every year. To see a list of locations and
times, go to www.pillowfightday. com

~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Thank you for being a part of my life,
whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.~~~


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