Benda judi ni bukan perkara baru. Tengok sejarah BIG SWEEP di negara kita ni.

From: "" <>
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun <>
Sent: Monday, July 5, 2010 9:07:01
Subject: Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] aku dengar dan aku sampaikan

Apa yang saudara katakan memang betul. Masalahnya kalau dah sesuatu yang pada
mulanya tidak pasti tetapi akhirnya ianya terbukti memang betul membuatkan kita
lebih nak mempecayai walau pun pada mulanya sesuatu berita terutama tentang UMNO
hanya sekadar boleh jadi !! Dalam soal memberi lesen judi bola baru-baru ini
jika sekali fikir memang tak munasabah ianya dipelopori oleh UMNO. Sukar nak
percaya tapi ternyata ianya benar. Apa perlu lesen judi bola sedangkan sudah
wujud berpuloh jenis judi di negara Islam ala UMNO ini telah "dihalalkan" ? Bila
dulunya ada cadangan nak wujudkan kerajaan perpaduan saya rasa ini suatu yang
baik bagi menyatukan semua orang Melayu/Islam tapi akhir-akhir ini bila dilihat
gelagat UMNO nak "halalkan" judi sukan/bola maka jelas UMNO tidak pernah
berhasrat untuk berubah.

Akhir-akhir ini ada juga ? ulamak dok masuk UMNO. Pelik tapi benar !! Berjayakah
mereka "Islamkan" UMNO atau UMNO yang akan berjaya tenggelamkan mereka !!?? Jika
ulamak ini berjaya merobah UMNO apakah UMNO berubah kerana mahu menjadi orang
yang benar-benar beriman kepada Allah atau semata-mata demi memenangi
pilihanraya bagi meneruskan cengkaman mereka keatas kuasa politik ?? Sepatutnya
JAKIM kena panggil dan nasihat pemimpin dan Menteri-Menteri UMNO. Tidak cukup
kerja JAKIM sekadar tangkap orang itu orang ini kerana disyaki terlibat dengan
ajaran sesat tapi atas nama UMNO dibolehkan buat apa saja !! Beranikah JAKIM
bertindak ? Silap-silap menteri JAKIM kena pecat !! Wallahua'lam.

--- On Tue, 6/22/10, zam...@yahoo. com <zam...@yahoo. com> wrote:

>From: zam...@yahoo. com <zam...@yahoo. com>
>Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] aku dengar dan aku sampaikan
>To: "Ikhwanul Muslimun" <hidayah...@yahoogro>
>Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2010, 11:39 AM
>anggaplah ini sebagai ingatan kepada diri sendiri dan teman2 yang lain.
>aku pernah mendengar guru agama berkata amalan yang terbaik ialah menyampaikan
>ilmu, kalau perniagaan boleh diibaratkan macam MLM la sbb semakin ramai di taja
>semakin banyak la income kita dapat.
>setiap kita akan dipertanggungjawabk an atas apa yang kita sampaikan, kalau
>ilmu, dapatlah kita kebaikan dan pahala, kalau fitnah, masyaAllah, byk dosa sbb
>semakin ramai yang bawa fitnah/umpat yang kita 'dengar-dengar' semakin 
>la saham akhirat x tau la dosa atau pahala
>so aku ingatkan lagi diri sendiri, kalau kita x pasti dan tak menyaksikan
>sesuatu perkara, atau yang menurunkan berita tu sedia menanggung di dunia dan
>akhirat atas cerita yang disampaikan, jgn la sebarkan2, sbb kalau cerita palsu
>dan ramai yang sebarkan, org akan percaya.. wallahu'alam
From: "k...@yahoo. com" <>
>To: Ikhwanul Muslimun <hidayah...@yahoogro>
>Sent: Mon, June 7, 2010 10:37:37 PM
>Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Who is VIncent Tan?
>http://malaysia- index.php? option=com_
>content&view=article&id=32263:how- vincent-tan- became-the- gaming-king-
>of-malaysia&catid=22:the- corridors- of-power&Itemid=100085
>>>First of all, Vincent Tan did pay Hee of Perak millions of ringgit as an
>>>inducement for her to jump ship. This was confirmed by three people. One was 
>>>senior man from Umno, the second the President of one of the non-Malay 
>>>parties in Barisan Nasional, and the third a Chinese Datuk who is also 
>>>in the gambling business. And these three Deep Throats have never before 
>>>me false or wrong information.
>>>In fact, these people told me that Perak was going to fall long before the 
>>>actually fell. And they also warned me that Kedah and Selangor were next on 
>>>list. They warned me that a ‘shopping spree’ was going to be launched to buy
>>>over Pakatan Rakyat Members of Parliament and State Assemblypersons from the
>>>Pakatan Rakyat states, Penang included. And they also told me that Vincent 
>>>was footing the bill.
>>>Today, what I had been told has proven to be true.
>>>Do you know that Vincent Tan does not really own the entire interest in his
>>>gambling empire? He owns only part of it. The rest belongs to Umno but held
>>>under trust by Vincent Tan. This was the deal struck way back when Ahmad Sebi
>>>Abu Bakar, then the CEO of TV3, conjured the scam during the time when Daim
>>>Zainuddin was the Finance Minister.
>>>Ahmad Sebi told Vincent Tan that Umno could not park the shares under its own
>>>name because, being the so-called largest Muslim party in the world, as Tun 
>>>Mahathir himself had declared, this would be a sensitive issue. So they 
>>>to hide Umno’s interest under a non-Muslim nominee. And Vincent Tan is that
>>>non-Muslim nominee.
>>>Now you know how Sports Toto ended up in the hands of Vincent Tan.
>>>Then what about the tens of thousands of ‘one-armed bandits’ that Vincent 
>>>Tan is
>>>operating all over Malaysia, East Malaysia included (which has the most 
>>>of machines per capita)?
>>>Why are the police not raiding these illegal gambling outlets to confiscate 
>>>machines and arrest the operators? Well, they do, actually, but the police 
>>>raid those outlets not owned by Vincent Tan. Those ‘competitors’ to Vincent 
>>>suffer police raids and confiscations. Those owned by Vincent Tan do not.
>>>Speak to any Chinese underworld boss. Go have a Chinese dinner in Jalan Imbi 
>>>Sakura or one of those places and talk to the Chinese underworld people. I 
>>>And they will be able to tell you how the scam works and why Vincent Tan has
>>>kekebalan (immunity) while the others do not.
>>>Vincent Tan can deny it all he wants. The bottom line is he is the front man 
>>>Umno. He is Umno’s nominee. He owns only part of his gambling empire. The 
>>>is owned by Umno but held by him as trustee.
>>>How do I know all this?
>>>Let me put it this way. I was there when the deal was struck. Maybe Vincent 
>>>does not remember me. Well, his Malay directors do because I went to school 
>>>some of them and two of them were actually my batch-mates in the Malay 
>>>Kuala Kangsar.
>>>Yes, Vincent, I was that Kwailo-looking guy in the bush jacket who was 
>>>across the table from Ahmad Sebi when you walked into the room without 
>>>and interrupted our meeting.
>>>Next time knock first before entering. Don’t barge in like you are so fond of
>>>doing. You barged into the room and interrupted our meeting without giving me
>>>any face. You did not even look at me and acted as if I was invisible. Then 
>>>started talking about your scam as if I was not there.
>>>And that was your mistake, Vincent. As Julia Roberts said in ‘Pretty Woman’: 
>>>So your arrangement with Umno is not something new. It is a very old 
>>>since the time when Ahmad Sebi was heading TV3 and when Daim Zainuddin was 
>>>Finance Minister. And your one-armed bandits licence was an arrangement since
>>>the time when Mohd Farid Ariffin was the Deputy Finance Minister. And when 
>>>Ariffin tried to end your monopoly of these slot machines, you arranged for 
>>>political career to come to an early halt.
>>>But never mind. Farid Ariffin is now heading a more worthy cause. He set up
>>>MAKNA (http://www.makna. that is helping to fight cancer. You did 
>>>nation a great favour by forcing him into retirement for opposing your 
>>>on slot machines. Now we have MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional or the National
>>>Cancer Council).

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