Kes sembelih anak di Kelantan berlaku pada 14 Ramadan. Semalam juga di Surau 
Alamanda, Senawang didatangi seorang asing yang ada tanda pesakit mental. 14 
Ramadan memang bulan sedang mengambang. Adakah ada kaitan tindakan luar kawalan 
pesakit mental 3 hari dan 3 hari selepas bulan mengambang ?

Di negara barat aktiviti sihir yang hebat dilakukan pada kala bulan mengambang.

Oleh itu kita umat Islam di Malaysia ini hendaklah sentiasa kenal haribulan 
Islam, tahu bila bulan mengambang. Banyakkan beramal, baca Quran dan sebagainya.

Umat Islam khususnya orang Melayu harus hindari amalan sihir dan ilmu hitam.

Polis di Amerika Syarikat mempertingkatkan keadaan berjaga-jaga di kala bulan 
mengambang, polis di Malaysia tak tahulah, mungkin pada mereka ini tahyul ?

Sila baca artikel di bawah (mana-mana pelajar IPT bidang saikologi mungkin 
boleh tolong alih bahasa dan jadikan bahan kajian atau tesis) :

More babies born. More crime. More suicides. Now scientists try to explain why 
we're all... moonstruck
24 January 2007

The poet Robert Graves was so in thrall to the mystical power of the Moon that 
he would sometimes be an embarrassment to his children.

"Once," according to his daughter, "we went to an evening fun fair. Dad noticed 
the Moon and, being superstitious, he bowed to it nine times, very slowly, 
oblivious to the people watching him. My brother and I walked on, pretending we 
had no idea who this strange man was."

To Graves, the Moon's ability to affect human lives was beyond dispute. He 
maintained that the matriarchal deity - which he named the "White Goddess" - 
contained a divine source of energy. This energy, he believed, was the sole 
source of inspiration for his love poems.

Modern scientists may not go so far as to join Graves in his genuflections, but 
some are coming round to his way of thinking. An increasingly vocal contingent 
believe the Moon influences the way we think and act just as decisively as it 
sucks and spits the Earth's oceans into tides.

In a new scientific paper, The Lunar Cycle: Effects On Human And Animal 
Behaviour And Physiology, Professor Michal Zimecki of the Polish Academy of 
Sciences has analysed dozens of studies that take lunar activity into account, 
and argues that a full moon could affect criminal activity and our health, 
causing an escalation in crime and admissions to hospital to surge.

We're not safe when it's a new moon, either: apparently, suicide rates go up 
when the Moon is a mere sliver in the sky. Zimecki also says there seems to be 
a close relationship between the female body and lunar cycles, as fertility 
appears to be affected. 
Are his ideas lunacy? You may well ask. The word "lunatic" actually means, as 
the first four letters suggest, "affected with the kind of insanity that was 
supposed to have recurring periods, depending on changes of the Moon," 
according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

And, in the 1600s, Chief Justice Sir William Hale was explicit about the 
connection between the Moon and a person's mental state. He said: "The Moon has 
great influence on all diseases of the brain, especially dementia."

Our ancestors did not merely believe a full moon could bring on madness. They 
also associated it with phenomena such as lycanthropy - the witchcraft by which 
a man becomes a werewolf - and the spine-chilling spectre of hounds baying at 
the night sky.
Now Zinecki says the effects of the Moon are so marked it "may be helpful in 
police surveillance and medical practice". Indeed, some psychiatric hospitals 
increase security at certain periods in the lunar cycle.

"It is generally accepted among mental health carers that patients with 
psychotic disorders present more extreme symptoms at the time of a full moon," 
says one healthcare professional.

One of the most infamous modern-day "lunatics" is Christopher Gore, a brilliant 
maths student who, one night in the early Nineties when a full moon hung over 
the Gloucestershire countryside, took an axe and murdered his parents. He was 
later questioned over two other murders, both of which had also occurred during 
a full moon, and given an indefinite sentence in Broadmoor.

It's hard to tell whether people simply respond emotionally to the illumination 
and potent symbolism suggested by a full moon, or if there might be a deeper 
link between them.

Either way, it's not just those with pre-existing mental health problems who 
appear to be affected.

One three-month study on 1,200 prisoners in the maximum security wing of Armley 
Jail in West Yorkshire found that there was an unequivocal rise in violence 
during the days on either side of a full moon. A further study in Florida found 
significant clusters of violent incidents around the full moon.

And in other research, involving the incidence of crimes reported to three 
police stations over a four-year period, the number of crimes was higher on 
full moon days than at any other point in the lunar cycle.

The conclusion was that these spikes could be the result of "human tidal waves" 
caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon, though cynical detectives might 
argue that villains can simply see what they're doing much better when the Moon 
is lighting up the sky.

Matters get particularly interesting when you consider the link between our 
physical health and the Moon, with increases in bladder problems, asthma 
attacks and gout both coinciding with particular points in the lunar cycle.

The moon takes 28 days to orbit the earth, but the gap between two full moons 
(the synodic month) is slightly longer - at 29.53 days. This is because the way 
we see the moon depends on its position relative to the Sun and the Earth, and 
as the Earth is also moving round the Sun, it takes a bit more time for all 
three bodies to line up again.

At 29.5 days, the average woman's menstrual cycle is the same length as the 
interval between two moon phases.

Research on data from 140,000 live births in New York City discovered another 
correlation - recurring patterns in birth rates over a period of 29.53 days. 
This showed a rise in births at the time of the full moon.
Analysis has also suggested a woman's ovulation is linked to the lunar cycle, 
and is more likely to occur during "the period of decreasing illumination 
immediately after the full moon".

Humans are also, apparently, more likely to be or to feel physically ill during 
full moon periods. Research by Leeds University found that the number of 
requests for GP consultations rose by 3.6 per cent when the moon was full.

A similar study, carried out by Bournemouth doctors who were curious about the 
inexplicable peaks and troughs in call-out requests from their patients, had 
near-identical results, finding that emergency calls rose by 3 per cent during 
a full moon.

Our appetite may be affected, too: we eat 8 per cent more and drink as much as 
25 per cent more alcohol on the day of the full moon than on the day of the new 
moon, according to scientists at Georgia State University.

But for all the studies that claim to have found a link between the lunar cycle 
and human behaviour, no one has come close to being able to explain it.

Some believe that as we are mostly made of water, the lunar gravity pulls us in 
the same way as it does the sea.

Others are more specific, and talk of "the Moon's gravitational pull affecting 
intracellular fluid in a part of the hypothalamus" - a part of the brain.
Michael Zimecki is circumspect - "the exact mechanism of the Moon's influence 
on humans and animals awaits further exploration".

For those who are still sceptical, this may not be as daft as it sounds. For 
centuries, farmers have been so convinced that the waxing and waning of the 
Moon has a bearing on their crops that they have followed what's known as a 
biodynamic system of agriculture, working according to the position of the Moon 
and the planets.
It's a method that, even in our age of chemical fertilisers and mechanisation, 
has seen many converts over the past few years.

So if the Moon can change the way a plant grows, why should we be immune?
Incidentally, in case you were wondering - the next full moon is on February 

Rituals on the full moon are very powerful. Many Wiccans believe that the time 
of the full moon holds the great bounty of Magickal energy, given to Witches by 
the Mother. This means all the spells you want to do will be stronger. It is 
also more likely that the results will happen faster. Personally, I believe 
that each cycle of the moon holds the same amount of energy but just attuned to 
different types of Magick. As the Mother strides the wall between youth and old 
age, the full moon is the best time for general Magick. 

Jun 7 2007 By Samantha Booth 

COPS have discovered the number of disturbances and violent crimes increased 
during full moons.

And, as the Record revealed yesterday, Inspector Andy Parr's Sussex force have 
put more bobbies on the beat when the moon's at its brightest.

Parr insisted "There is definitely a trend. With each full moon, the number of 
disturbances recorded increased significantly."

The inspector, who is responsible for patrols in the Brighton and Hove area at 
weekends, added: "I'm aware this is just one of many things that can influence 
public disorder.

"But if you speak to ambulance staff they will tell you the same thing."

The moon has been linked to human behaviour for years.

It's claimed Transylvanians used to bolt their doors, take out crosses and 
prepare silver bullets at full moons in the belief it's the time when monsters 
and vampires stalk the Earth.

Doctors and emergency services are often quoted as believing they see an 
increase in activity during the full moon.

The British Medical Journal even published a study in 2000 reporting dog bites 
in England were twice as likely at the end of the lunar cycle.

And research by a GP and a nursing home matron, carried out in Bournemouth, 
found the rate of callouts rose by three per cent during a full moon.

In fact, the final stage of the moon's 28-day cycle has been linked to just 
about everything - crime, mental illness, suicide, accidents, disasters, birth 
rates, fertility and even the success of buying shares and stocks.

It's no coincidence the word lunatic comes from the Latin for moon.

Daily Record astrologer David Wells said: "The findings of Sussex police don't 
surpriseme at all.

"What I find surprising is a police force are taking something like that 
serious enough to act on it.

"In astrology, the moon represents the emotions, so when it is full, people are 
more emotional.

"The full moon also represents the ending of the lunar cycle. That can make 
people feel like they have had enough of whatever is going on in their life, 
pushing them to explode in some way to release emotions."

Consultant psychiatrist and TV presenter Raj Persaud reckons most psychiatrists 
will have treated patients who appear to have been affected by the moon.

There have been particular murders linked to the final night of the lunar cycle.

Of the eight murders committed by New York's infamous "Son of Sam", David 
Berkowitz, in 1977, five were during a full moon.

Christopher Gore started a life sentence in Broadmoor in 1992 for killing his 
parents and two others on full moon nights.

Charles Hyde's chilling series of full moon murders in the late 1880s inspired 
Robert Louis Stevenson to write Dr Jekyll And Hyde.

Public service workers including nurses, bus drivers and shop staff have often 
said they notice a difference in people's behaviour during a full moon.

And some experts believe that if the moon can alter the tides on Earth, it can 
also alter the human body, which is made up of 90 per cent water.

Professor Prem Misra, a Glasgow consultant psychiatrist, added:

"There's no research in psychological medicine I know of indicating incidents 
of agitation or restlessness or anti-social behaviour increase during the full 

"It could be possible when people can see a full moon, it's brighter and 
they're able to walk about more at night. Maybe the police findings are 

It seems the impact of the moon on humans is something we can't agree on. So 
maybe the last word should go to Nobel Prize winner Robert A Milkman. He once 
said: "If man is not affected in some way by the planets, sun and moon, he is 
the only thing on Earth that isn't."


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