I got this email from a pathologist today. we have always run a positive
with the patient tissue and a negative, the same patient tissue, and had no
problems. Am I missing something. Is there any documented regulation
dictating what needs to be used for the controls. In some cases if we get
one slide of patient tissue, then we will use the pos. and neg. cont. from
the same block but typically it's the pt. tissue that is used for the neg.
control. Thanks for your guidance. 



"I received slides on sentinel lymph node biopsies with a positive control
on the same slide as the breast tissue, but the negative control was just
the patient's lymph node and did not have the corresponding section used for
the positive control.  The patient's own tissue cannot be used as a negative
control.  The tissue that stained positively must serve as the negative
control without the antibody.  This is critical and you need to correct that





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